October 14, 2013

October 3, 2013

Even more monsters!

Yes, that's right; A Quibble, a Pango, an Oaktopus, and more! I had to spend 200,000 to upgrade my Cold castle...I had like 548,000, now I have around 300,000! I almost could've gotten Air Island! Once I get there, I want to get a Hoola...but I'm not sure if you can breed one anymore. If not, I'm still gonna try anyway. I just got my second Pummel today(his name is Jawz) and I barely have any room left. My first Pummel(whose name is Bruce) was a pain to get. It took three tries I think. I've gotten a Bowgart(and his name is Augustus). Another Furcorn, another Maw, and a waiting Spunge are there too. Gold Island will have to wait. I definitely don't have enough food. My friend code is 5805427KN if you would like to see my islands.

Quick update: be sure to look out for my new series on Saturday!
